Movie Reviews

By Robert Waldman

Movie Reviews By Robert Waldman

movie reviews
Updated: September 25, 2024

Bad Boys Ride or Die
Between The Temples
Blind War
Clear Cut
Close to You
Fly Me To The Moon
Happy Campers
Kidnapped: The Abduction of Edgardo Mortara
Running on Empty
Strange Darling
The Front Room
The Mob

To see my reviews of some great older movies please visit and subscribe to my YouTube Channel.
And maybe give a thumbs up if you like the review. Many more reviews to come soon. So stay tuned and be safe.

movie reviews

Robert Waldman's Interviews:

Read Robert's Interview with Ali Liebert

Lee Lee

(PG) * * * *

Barrier Breaker!

Standout acting flourishes in Lee. Presented by Elevation Pictures this harrowing tale

Shows the bravery a woman possesses breaking down countless barriers in search of the truth. See a unique drama unfold at select Cineplex Cinemas and Landmark Theatres across B.C. before it launches on streaming services and makes its way onto DVD and Blu-Ray.

It helps to have a good director - and message. Canadian theatrical master James Cameron not too long ago launched a "little" movie called Titanic. That film at the time became the most successful film of all time. ( excluding the original 1960s Sean Connery James Bond phenomena) but of course. This sea saga catapulted two then unknown youthful actors into global fame: Leo the Great and Captivating Kate. To see just how good an actress Kate Winslet has become check out her Oscar bound performance in Lee.

Told in flashback style Lee explores the one of a kind life and lifestyle of Lee Miller. Set in fashionable Europe in the early 20th Century our American transplant lives quite the life in Bohemian France. Liberal and adventurous the crowd this model moves with is fast and oh so sexy. You can sense and feel the exuberance of this bohemian attitude to life and living. Unfortunately for this close group of friends a little madman maniac named Adolph Hitler puts a devastating crimp in their lives.

Now caught up in war Lee decides to become a war photographer journalist for Vogue Magazine. Have camera will travel might as well be her new motto and calling card a la Paladin, What follows is a gut-wrenching transformation as this brave woman breaks down barriers and records with her camera the horrors of war. Director Ellen Kuras here helms an effective expose on the horrors of war and the steadfast resolve of a lone woman who sets out to make a difference despite facing discrimination and an unknown ruthless enemy,

Smart, stylish and important Lee is an outstanding drama of a troubling time in world history. Kate Winslet's performance is flawless and will stick with you. Highly recommended there is no doubt this solemn story will definitely be heard at next years Oscar's. It's just that good. And meaningful.

The Mob The Mob

(PG) * * *

Shanghai Surprise!

Control of a fabled city is up for grabs when a power vacuum leads to trumped ( if you'll excuse the expression ) up chaos in the dynamic gang thriller The Mob. Made available now on digital services and DVD plus Blu-ray this action packed adventure from Well Go USA entertainment is sure to leave you breathless

Fans of classics like John Wick will feel right at home viewing The Mob. Like the title suggests this story puts one rival against another in a quest to control a majestic Chinese city in modern times. Run by an aging cabal of criminals family and loyalty matters as a leading scion is on the verge of death. So it's up to his well educated offspring to take the reigns of power in this murky underworld flush full of elegance and blood-thirsting foot soldiers who engage in all sorts of subterfuge and mayhem to assume power.

Energy abounds in this movie as do well choreographed fights throughout. Told partly with the aid of flashbacks thanks to well defined characters you'll have the chance to choose your favourite and sit back and cheer on your favourite in this thriller that also tries to mimic some real events in Asian history. Complete with corrupt cops The Mob is a non-stop actioner with stunts that even Bruce Lee would find appealing despite their over the top far-fetched nature and tone. Get in the zone for this fun blood dripping free spirited romp.

Happy Campers Happy Campers

(PG) * * * * *

Folksy charm!

Off the wall and quaint is Happy Campers. Having received accolades at a number of film festivals this pseudo documentary is now showing across Canada in I-tunes, presented in Canada by EGPR this new movie is available for viewing for VOD and also. C on all major platforms

Based on real people this film tacks the goings on of various friends over time who bond together. What brings these folks together is that they life in run down rvs in a beautiful seaside community in Virginia . Oh the people are so friendly and content living the simple life as We get to know these people - and like them. But this idyllic world comes a tumbling down when the land where they live on is sold to - wait for it - wealthy developers, my oh my,

Fun To watch, hard to swallow director Amy Nicholson manages to take a subject that's not so exciting and turn into an impactful journey.

The Front Room The Front Room

(PG) * *

Child's Play!

Having a baby can be a Joyful experience. Or not. You could say the devil is in the details. Or in the people. You be the judge as Elevation Pictures takes us down the rabbit hole with The Front Room. Different, delectable and devilish fun awaits all onlookers as this bizarre and unique movie makes its way onto streaming services.

Don't you just love senior citizens. Perhaps not. A rocky family dynamic among a young mixed couple and newborn baby takes a turn for unpredictability when the fathers mom decides to come a calling . But this isn't your everyday mom to be sure. Different strokes for different folks.

All Belinda and Norman want is some peace and quiet where they can bring up their new baby. Fat chance as somehow Norman's mom Solange arrives on the scene. Not surprisingly actors Brandy Norwood and Andrew Burnap convey just the right degree of apprehension over the geriatric granny's decision to stay in their home. Religion runs deep in the veins of this babe which wrinkly Kathryn Hunter has a field day with.

Fluffy, not so family friendly yet fun in a macabre sense the winning ways of Ms, Hunter helps give The Front Room just the right degree of oomph to this creepy though tepid horror story. It's a guilty pleasure if you want to see the ultimate home-wrecker do her thing.

Strange Darling Strange Darling

(PG) * * * *

Dangerous Liaisons!

Get set for a joy ride like no other. Or one Night stand that just is hard to fathom. Any way you slice it dating can be problematic . See the mating game go just a touch off kilter in the scintillating Strange Darling. Horror never looked so chic - or grotesque. See the ruination of two different, well maybe not too different lost souls at certain Cineplex Cinemas and Landmark Theatres across B.C, courtesy of VVS Films. Enter, but only if you dare!

Love can happen anytime any place. Lust is definitely on the menu for one macho guy and an equally devilish lass. From car to hotel room to a run on a freeway is all part of the mix in this freaky thriller that is artistic and ghoulish at the same time. Solid performances and a story line that truly keeps you on the edge of your seats not knowing what is coming next add to the impact of this sordid sexy affair, And you really don't know what will happen moment to moment thanks to a very good story,

Willa Fitzgerald and Kyle Gallner are simply outstanding as the I'll jilted lovers (?) who turn out to be killers. Full of unbelievable twists and turns this sexy kinky thriller is full on original and downright sensational. Let's just say Strange Darling turns the dating world on its head. Full of intensity and raw emotion this is a film people will be talking about for a long long time,

Set in the wild wilderness of Hood River Oregon Strange Darling mixes drugs and violence and is based on a true story. Shocking. Positively shocking. And definitely not for the kids.

Running on Empty Running on Empty

(PG) * *

Out of Gas

Take an old movie title and spice it up with up dates of sorts. That's kind of the interesting appeal with Running on Empty. Credit Elevation Pictures for bringing this flick to select Cineplex Cinemas and Landmark Theatres prior to it moving to streaming services.

From the get go you know Running on Empty is different. Set in modern trendy left leaning California there's a company whose mandate is to let people know when they will die. Sounds rather ghoulish, doesn't it? Naturally two mismatched lovers (?) take the plunge and the results given by a white lab-coated doctor don't exactly go as planned. Really?

With a shortened life span the out to lunch out of mind newly single guy starts to enter the dating pool. Why not? Matched up with a very attractive woman things don't go as planned when it's time to pay the bill for that marry thrill. Now marked fore life a crazed out pimp enters the fray and chaos ensues,

Running on empty is a blackish dark comedy with a heavy edge to it. Good performances can't take away from the crude subject matters, different strokes for different folks I guess. Just not my cup of tea - but a good fill-in on a cheap Tuesday day out.

Between The Temples Between The Temples

(PG) * *

Tender Hooks!

At a time when the world faces untold evil with a relentless aggressor along comes Between The Temples. With a decidedly Jewish theme this offbeat tale explores the unwieldy life of a mixed marriage like no other. Come enjoy the charm of religion played for subtle laughs in this tender film from Sony Pictures Classics and Mongrel Media now playing at select Cineplex Cinemas and perhaps some Landmark Theatres across B.C. before going onto streaming services.

Decidedly different for sure Between The Temples is all about love when you get right down to the nitty gritty. Set on the East Coast of America the film focuses solely on the plight of mixed up / messed up Ben Gottlieb. With a name like that you kind of know the guys Jewish and Jason Schwartzman perfectly embodies the character. You see this guy tries to be a cantor at a local synagogue but has lost his voice. Go figure.

Being the ultimate mama's boy this nebbish accidentally latches onto a woman from his past which reveals the latent anti-Semitism that is omni-present in mixed relationships and currently is taking on dark forms with the demonization of Israel and support of terrorism. But that's a whole other issue with Iran the number one supporter of hatred and aggression.

Closer to home director/writer Nathan Silver was brave enough to make this small yet important film whose message on tolerance needs to be heard. Good performances help uplift t7his movie . Unfortunately one always needs to wonder why certain movies are made. Between The Temples has lots of heart and soul. Designed for older audiences it deserves a chance to be seen. And heard.

Close to You Close to You

Far Away

At times one wonders the objective of filmmakers. A new film from Mongrel media sets the stage for some ongoing debates. Made by both British and Canadian filmmakers Close to You is an interesting tale of family and strife. Check it out at Cineplex Cinemas and Landmark Theatres before it goes onto streaming services.

Movies are made for two reasons and two reasons only: to entertain and enlighten. Oh, and let's not forget the root of all evil: to make money. At least the latter is what prospective investors normally seek. With Close To You the aim must be to enlighten. Many Actors like to appear in films that are substantive. Well clearly Close To You explores the dynamic of family, extended family and friendships.

At the heart of this drama is a young man who now lives in Toronto. Young Sam is having a tough go making it in Toronto. Appealing Elliot Page of Juno fame stirs up lots of emotion as the lad who thanks to a chance romantic encounter of sorts with a long lost friend aboard a train sees his life veer off course. And when he's invited to a family birthday in his old home town things really heat up.

Very talkative and full of emotion Close To You is a nice little drama if you can sit through it without boredom setting in. Here it is at its best is when it shows the inbred. Prejudices some folks harbor. On this level it works quite well.

Balestra Balestra

(PG) * *

En Garde!

Eyes are sure to be focused on the Olympics this week. Despite the focus on the cheating scandal connected to the Canadian women's soccer team let's not forget the other sports connected to this coming together of elite athletes. Perfect timing sees the sport of fencing come under the gun in Balestra, the newest offering from Elevation Pictures. Check it out at select Cineplex Cinemas and Landmark Theatres around B.C. Before it goes onto streaming services.

Winning is everything. This truism by famed NFL Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi is now more apparent than ever. Athletes always want an edge an aging fencing champion Joanna Bathory is no exception to the role reveals. Lots of problems confront this woman and her emotion is on full display thanks to actress Cush Jumbo. Aided by her training obsessed husband Coach Ralph the pair are now mounting a comeback on the world stage. Hard as nails James Badge Dale will do anything and everything to see that his wife wins. With that in mind he lets her take an injection from a covert cutting edge mysterious medical/science clinic that lets her train while she dreams. Seems kind of spooky, doesn't it?

Science fiction mixes with reality in this movie. Overly long at two hours and twenty minutes it's hard to keep in focus or to keep track of all that this alternate reality encompasses. By far the best part of this film are the fencing bouts. Dream maker Manny Jacinto comes on strong as a dream lover but at times it's just a little hard deciphering all the back and forth between dreams and reality. Take it all with a grain of salt if you haven't dozen off into a deep sleep yourself. Still Balestra is interesting and rather thought-provoking to say the least.

Kneecap Kneecap

(PG) * * * *

Rogue Warrior!

Hollywood for years has been accused of doing nothing new. So studios have art divisions in hopes of finding new original material.Leave it to Sony Pictures Classics to scour the earth and come up with Kneecap, a jarring thought-provoking Irish shot movie that shines a new light on that part of the world. Presented in British Columbia by Mongrel media this movie is bound to set of a stir - in a nice kind of way. It will be opening at select Cineplex Cinemas as well as Landmark Theatres across B.C.

For years Ireland has been producing good movies with Irish themes to them. Those themes resonated with global audiences since their thoughts can be embraced universally. Ever since the 1980s the Emerald Isle has produced some great movies. To this list must now be added Kneecap.

Smartly set over the years in Belfast its themes can't be denied. Especially with the long lasting tradition of English French friction in Canada seemingly at odds since Confederation. Naturally in Northern Ireland the struggle is all about British rule over the land. Only in this case the pivotal provocation relates to the Irish language itself.

Said to be partly based on facts Kneecap decisively delves deep into the politics of the day and in particular a family with a very determined dad. But it's the kids in later years who "graduate" into expressing their political and everyday living views through music. So a punk rock group called Kneecap is formed with these two disillusioned lads and a guiding maestro music school teacher whose own family is caught up in the language debate.

Graphic and exciting Kneecap thrusts you head first into the turmoil just bubbling beneath the surface. Throw in the odd corrupt cop or two, age-old grudges and undeniable stage presence along with a raucous bedside manner befitting a rock star and you've got a pretty appealing, original and eventful movie that's sure to leave you awestruck no matter whose side you're on.

Fly Me To The Moon Fly Me To The Moon

(PG) * * *

Remember when? Certain events stick with you forever. Like where you had your first kiss or where you were when John F. Kennedy was shot. And how about the time when people were glued to the t.v. when a certain person driving a Ford Bronco tried to elude the police on the California highway network. That chase saw a former football star turned actor who once upon a time went by the number #32 for the NFL Buffalo Bills before he got juiced up and faced Justice in a court of law-or didn't . All these National historic events transfixed the nation -and the world. By far the largest story of them all was the moon landing back in 1969. Get your history fix in with a delightful new movie from Apple Films and Columbia Pictures called Fly Me To The Moon. See history in the making -or not - at Cineplex Cinemas and Landmark Theaters across B.C.

With Fly Me To The Moon the filmmakers have taken a fresh tact to update the earth-shattering moment of the moon landing. What with the importance these days of social media and the phenomenon of conspiracy theories we have a truly intriguing back story. Just suppose the powers that be wanted to "stage" the actual landing and were given the green light by U.S. President Richard Nixon himself? That's part of the fun as tricky Dickie, a reckless bureaucrat and a budding romance all work together to pull the wool over the public's eye. Or not. Well, at least that's the hope.

Sparks fly big time when NASA launch commander Cole Davis locks horns with Madison Avenue darling Kelly Jones to secure Senate Funding for the American Space Program. Both hunky Channing Tatum (White House Down) and bouyant Scarlett Johansson seize the day if not the moment as a reluctant pair thrust into the limelight to keep the space program afloat,

With time running out Ms. Jones uses all her ad man intellect and then some to win over reluctant politicians while Davis just wants to ensure the lift-off goes without a hitch. Just how these two handle the pressure is a sight on behold as is the behind the scenes intrigue to have a mock up back up plan to correctly construct, conceal and choreograph a fake landing. All in all the fun ramps up and the energy explodes in this fun outing.

Put simply Tatum and Johansson sizzle and have the right chemistry to pull off this historic moment. With back up work from Ray Romano and Woody Harrelson everyone seems to be having a good time here. So will you! Realistic, fun and bolstered by vintage video footage of ace "And That's The Way It Is" CBS newsman Walter Cronkite Fly Me to The Moon comes full circle and makes a perfect pin-point landing not to be forgotten despite the film being a touch long.

Clear Cut Clear Cut

(PG) * * * *


Now and then you just need to let loose with a brainless action movie. Dead or alive action fans will warmly embrace Clear Cut. Or they should. And when film fans see the name Lionstone Studios and Grindstone Entertainment we all know what that means : thrills and chills and blood and guts and more of the same. Check out this no nonsense showdown at Cineplex Cinemas and Landmark Theatres across B.C.

Guess what: There's an election in B.C. this year. Fact check: back in the day as in the 1940s, 50s and 60s the number one industry in British Columbia was the forest

Industry. The same historically was the case innWashington State and Oregon. Not anymore. Thankfully all the logs haven't t yet been logged on the coast and the beautiful forested scenery is front and Centre in Clear Cut - along with a Murder or two.

Just acquitted actor Alec Baldwin (The Hunt for Red October) is in fine form as a local mill official who heads into the wilderness, plaid shirt and all, to down some trees with Jack, a newly minted employee. Hey, but there may just be a touch more to the employment pattern of Jack as actor Clive Standen (The Vault) so sincerely portrays.

Out In the wild Jack becomes "engaged "with a number of hillbilly types who are into all sorts of nasty habits. You've heard of Band on The Run, a huge hit for Paul McCartney and Wings. Well, now you've got man on the run as Jack takes off with something that's definitely not his with an assortment of low life's in Hot pursuit.

You get a sense of deja vu with Clear Cut as there are some similarities with scenes and storylines from other films. But it's still a lot of high voltage fun with actors like Stephen Dorff and Lochlyn Munro adding admirably to the mix.

Boneyard Boneyard

(PG) * * *


Hot off his impressive performance for the B.C. Lions half timce show in Vancouver a few weeks back 50 cent returns to the big screen in Boneyard. Made by Lionsgate films this gutsy thriller is now showing at Cineplex Cinemas and Landmark theatres around B.C. it is also out on video on demand so contact your local internet provider or internet company.

Bad people are everywhere. Serial killers, at least as they're portrayed in the media, are a dime a dozen. In the era of tv's Criminal Minds Boneyard hits the big screen. Somewhat familiar to the horrendous crimes perpetrated by Vancouver home grown mass murderer pig farmer Robert Willie Pickton Boneyard follows the plight of missing women in the West Mesa area of Albuquerque New Mexico. More troubling is that it's based on actual events as 11 young women disappeared in this area,

Like the title suggests Boneyard centers on bones accidentally found on a barren strip of land in a desolate location. Digging deeper are the local authorities whose police presence is secured by rapper 50 Cent himself. Also known as Curtis Johnson 50 cent plays Chief Carter and comes in strong. Two detectives are In charge of the investigation and there is a bit of history between them. With something personal at stake lead detective Ortega decides to go a bit rogue. Not having that Dirty Harry edge but very determined is Brian Van Holt whose study as he goes manner actually works here.

As more bodies are uncovered it appears that the local authorities may need some additional assistance to solve the case and return peace and sanity to the region. Brought in to try to save the day is ace FBI profiler Agent Petrovick. Somewhat reformed Mel Gibson is still a name and selling point to the production for distribution purposes and ably portrays the character.

Nothing really new is revealed here. The usual corruption is unearthed. Still the dusty atmosphere of a crime scene bogged down is well handled as are the internal conflicts. Director Asif Akbar does Justice to the material,

Boneyard does have a not knowing what's coming next feel to it and the performances are effective.

Thelma Thelma

(PG) * * *

Golden Oldie!

Aging. It's a fact of life. So are scams. See how one oldie deals with being taken advantage of in the timely Thelma. Now showing in B.C. at the Fifth Avenue Cinemas. Check theatre listings. This low voltage drama from VVS Films alongside Magnolia Pictures is timely and poignant. So consider it to be a wake-up call for seniors everywhere.

Computers are a necessity of life these days. Almost everyone has a computer from grade school to seniors on their way out. Well, not exactly. Loved by her daughter and grandson above all else is gentle as a lambs Thelma. Huggable June Squibb is in her element as a sweet retiree trying to live out her remaining days with family and friends despite being on her own in a rest home. Not that tech savvy the grey haired woman unfortunately makes a mistake on her computer that costs her dearly. One innocent yet fatal mouse click turns Thelma's life inside out as she falls victim to a scam. With thousands of dollars taken from her life savings one can sympathize with her embarrassment and loss of much needed living income.

Thousands of innocent people fall victim to these cry out for help con jobs. Preying on the elderly is what these criminals do. Only in the case of Thelma they pick the wrong bitch to tangle with. Power up the motorized scooter as this granny embarks on a cross city search to get her money back and teach these vermin a lesson.

Slow at the start but fully engaging Thelma is a lark. Quirky performances from a variety of notable actors like Parker Posey, Richard Roundtree (Shaft) and Malcolm McDowell (A Clockwork Orange) help flesh out this campy flick that will have you rooting for this wronged woman. Go granny go!

Bad Boys Ride or Die Bad Boys Ride or Die

(PG) * * *

Joy Ride!

Time heals all wound. Or does it? Slap happy Will Smith reprises his most famous role and does so with reckless abandon in Bad Boys Ride or Die. Redemption may be hard to fathom for this actor who set the Oscars aflutter a few years back. Now Will can give people something more theatrical to talk about as this new installment in the Bad Boys franchise is actually quite good. And still going strong, Check out the carnage on the streets and waterways of Miami in this action-packed adventure now firing on all cylinders at Cineplex Theatres and Landmark Cinemas around B.C.

Shades of the past. With the old news of the death of a much beloved captain new information surfaces that propels two of Miami's Finest onto the case. Trumped up conspiracies and cold casesare a dime a dozen in police work yet Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett are back on the case - and on the hunt for the truth. Funny how these two hot to trot cops wind up being hunted as both bad boys become fugitives of the law as the mystery deepens.

Stories of corrupt cops and political interference are par for the course in these sort of action flicks. Here both Will Smith and Martin Lawrence have lots of good material to work with as it seems all Miami is out to get them - both good guys and bad guys. So one could say the fix is in for these charming happy go lucky officers.

Again Smith and Lawrence have the requisite chemistry between them to make their characters likable - and even lovable. Fans of the series will appreciate all the gun battles and unbelievable stunts along with the comical repertoire between our two leading men. But hey, what else would you expect from a Jerry Bruckheimer movie. And he delivers. Settle in for the ride. Far-fetched? For sure. And fun? You bet!

Daddio Daddio

(PG) * * * *

Rough Ride!

Settle in for quite the ride in the engaging Daddio. Presents by Mongrel Media this savvy drama features powerhouse acting . Confined to a solo cab this memorable ride is quite the trip. Buckle up and settle in for this movie now showing at select Cineplex Cinemas and Landmark Theatres across B.C.

Travelling can be problematic. Getting home is something people look forward to.

Loneliness can often follow people around. Just back from an Oklahoma trip is a fetching young woman called Girlie. Give it up to Dakota Johnson who dazzles as the smart as a whip Girlie who wanders into a typical New York cab piloted by veteran driver Clark. Now this driver is also smart and savvy so acting great Sean Penn rises to the occasion and more as the mature man who almost comes across as a psychiatrist.

Together Penn and Johnson are terrific as they gently spar back and forth through the course of a ninety minute drive. Both learn about each other as their deep and darkest secrets percolate to the surface during quite the eventful drive.

Director Christy Hall also wrote the story and does a good job keeping people interested with what's occurring thanks to sparkling dialogue between two fine actors.

Blind War Blind War

(PG) * * * *


Law and order. What a novel concept. See Justice get turned inside out in Blind War. Wall to wall action comes your way in this first class thriller from Well Go USA Entertainment that sets a new high mark in the action genre - but maybe for all the wrong reasons. You be the judge. And jury. Fit for all nationalities this Chinese made extravaganza is now out on digital and Blu-Ray. Contact your local cable company or internet provider to get in on the action.

Courts are thought to be a place to find Justice. Not any more. A judicial proceeding turns into a battle Royal when a merciless gang led by two determined wackos engage in a shoot out like no other. Go figure. Even Perry Mason wouldn't have been able to withstand all the flying bullets and explosions that erupt inside. And that's just in the first five minutes of this movie.

With the police outnumbered and outgunned it's all up to one lone officer to try to take back control. Heroes are few and far between and the officer partly succeeds in restoring order but at the cost of his sight. From this point onward the cop is a marked man as one survivor of the attack has him in her crosshairs.

Blind War follows the path of this this officer who finds his young daughter kidnapped. With the help of a fellow officer (?) the pair wind up taking down and tangling with two deadly Asian gangs mixed up in all sorts of sordid criminal schemes.

Though there are some scenes reminiscent of a few hit Hollywood thrillers Blind War is a non stop battle for revenge. Unpredictable, exciting,eventful, unique and original Blind War is every action fans wet dream.

Kidnapped: The Abduction of Edgardo Mortara Kidnapped: The Abduction of Edgardo Mortara

(PG) * * * * *


As the world watches as Israel does its best to root out and destroy terrorists while many so-called leaders turn a blind eye state terror of a different kind unfolds in a new movie. One of Canada's darkest moments involved the abduction of innocent Aboriginal Children and forcing them to assimilate into Christian ways with the insistence of the Canadian government and blessing of the Christian Church. Once again The Church is implicated this time in a heinous abduction of a Jewish six year old boy in the revealing Kidnapped: the Abduction of Edgardo Mortara. Chilling and disturbing this movie takes place in the 1850s and 1860s but it's impact can be felt even today. This monumental movie from Mongrel Media is outstanding on all levels and now showing at Fifth Venue Cinemas. What's even more intriguing is that this movie is based on real events. Shocking. Positively shocking . The film is in Italian with English subtitles but that doesn't take away from its impact. And it can also be found under its Italian name: Rapito.

A haunting score perfectly symbolizes the trouble a prosperous Jewish family finds itself in and must endure in Bologna Italy when the city was part of a Papal State ruled by a devious out of control Pope in Rome. In The dead of night Italian officials with the aid of soldiers descend on the Mortara family and like the Nazis take a six year old hostage. Only worse.

Told in three stages with three different actors Kidnapped shows the all encompassing power of The Church and its unprecedented evil. Our story is All based on a trumped up ( if you'll excuse the expression) charge related to Baptism . So we see how the Church shapes the boy's life through seclusion - taking away his real family and subverting his identity forced conversion. Remember during this time Edgardo's parents had no real way of finding their child on their own with all the cover-ups and subterfuge from government and church officials being the order of the day,

Standout acting full of emotion puts you in The zone. Cast as the parents are Ronchi and Fausto Russo who must navigate these troubled waters with little hope of being successful in taking on a warped religion protected from on high. Playing Edgardo as a child and then a young man are Enea Sala and Leonardo Maltese respectively in miraculous portrayals. Perhaps the most defined and memorable performance of all in this wonderful cast is Paolo Pierobon who plays the demented power hungry Pope King Pius XI. You can rank this dude right up there at the top of any rogues gallery of master villains/criminals.

It's not hard to see why this masterpiece from director Marco Bellocchio has already earned a plethora of awards. Odds are good Oscar gold will come Kidnapped's way next April. Guaranteed. And you can take that to the bank.

Longing Longing

(PG) * *


There's no bigger surprise than learning you have a child. Pregnancy is a miracle. So when a grown man learns he has a child you can just image what he goes through. Solve the puzzle of a man tying to connect with his past in LONGING. Brought to British Columbia by Mongrel Media this solid story is now unraveling at Vancouver's cherished Fifth Avenue Cinemas.

Judge a man by his accomplishments. And past. Lo and behold successful businessman Daniel Bloch seems to have it all. Still handsome and dashing Richard Gere ( Pretty Woman) has aged well. On a trip to Hamilton of all places Bloch reconnects with former ladyfriend Rachel. French Canadian Actress Suzanne Clément plays Rachel who confides to Bloch that they have a son together.

You can just imagine how shell - shocked the newly minted dad must be. And he is. In a desperate effort to learn about his boy things go more off the rails when news comes out that the boy is dead. So the rest of Longing relates to Bloch trying to piece together his sons life. It's not necessarily a happy tale.

Somewhat slow yet endearing good performances abound in Longing. There are a few offbeat couples and scenes that are very explosive but for the most part this movie comes across as being sincere, valiant and novel. Put yourself in this dad's position and you can just sense the anguish and pain he is going through. Second guessing is always easy but Gere is a good enough actor that his grounded performance comes across in a highly convincing way.

Backspot Backspot

(PG) * * *

High Marks!

Sports come in all shapes and sizes. Part of the fun in American sports relates to cheerleading and competitive cheerleading. Let's go behind the scenes and checkout the ups and downs of cheerleading in the invigorating Backstop. Brought to B.C. by Touchwood PR one could say Backstop does to cheerleading what Drumline did for's now playing at select Cineplex,ex Cinemas and Lionsgate Theatres around B.C. Before making its way into streaming services,

If you dream might as well dream big. See the sparks fly as two long term friends do whatever it takes to join an elite cheerleading squad. Riley and Amanda are young women with a quest. From out of nowhere Devery Jacobs brings her A game to the table as Riley, a mother mentored collegiate determined to win a spot on the prestigious Thunderhawks.

Riley's build and physical presence should mean she's a synch to get on the team. Ah, but not so fast. There's the thing of making the grade and gaining the approval of hard edged coach Eileen McNamara. Evan Rachel Wood delivers an ice cold demeanor as the hard to please leader of this all girl group priming to win a national championship.

Dramatic and emotional and shot in Canada judging from all those Cineplex caps Backspot is engaging and definitely a win for the ladies. It makes a number of statements about women in life and in sports and does so in a meaningful, not preachy but observational way.

movie reviews